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Vaadin – SPAs (not only) for Java Developers

Published: at 06:00 PM
Simon Martinelli

Single Page Applications (SPA) have now become a quasi-standard in the development of web applications. Angular, React and Vue.js are the best-known representatives from this category of web frameworks.

For Java developers, this means firstly learning a new programming language and secondly, which can often be more difficult, finding a completely foreign build environment with its own ecosystem.

Are there alternatives?

Vaadin is an established web framework that allows web applications to be developed entirely in Java, but recently also supports a classic SPA approach.

First, the new architecture of Vaadin Flow, which is no longer based on GWT but on WebComponents, is explained.

A customer project is used to show how form-based and data-heavy web applications can be implemented very efficiently.

The second part discusses Vaadin Fusion, which offers the possibility of developing SPAs with TypeScript and WebComponents in the frontend and Java in the backend.


Simon Martinelli is the owner of 72 Services GmbH and has been working as a software architect, developer, consultant and trainer, primarily in the Java environment, for more than 25 years.

As an active member of the Java community and Vaadin expert, he was awarded the Vaadin Community Award last year.

His specialty is software modernization. He helps his customers breathe new life into old applications.

Through his work as a lecturer at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (SWS) in the areas of modern software architectures and persistence technologies, he can deepen his interests and pass on his know-how.