Topic: artificial-intelligence
All the events with the topic "artificial-intelligence".
Empowering Your Applications with Large Language Models
Published: at 08:00 PMUrsula DeriuIn her talk Ursula Deriu delves in to applications of state of the language learning models (LLMs) in to real world applications.
Can Generative AI Understand Software Engineering Tasks? Should You Worry?
Published: at 08:00 PMIryna DohndorfIn her talk Iryna Dohndorf explains whether we software engineers should embrace Generative AI and Deep Learning for our daily work or whether we should worry about our jobs instead.
The Race to Open-Source ChatGPT
Published: at 07:00 PMLewis TunstallLewis Tunstall gives an overview of the community’s efforts to create an open-source ChatGPT, and discusses some of the challenges involved in training and evaluating these models effectively.
Hey Google, Talk to SBB
Published: at 08:00 PMStefan Schöb,Nina Habicht,Andreas SchlapbachThis talk introduces SBB Voice Assistant to query trips and buy tickets using a voice chat bot build together with Paixon.